Agile Culture

Agile: Iterations as a means to address change quickly

Reduced time to market

In mid to long term projects it is key to be able to address upcoming change quickly. The agile culture does this with short iterations to address market demands. A Minimal Viable Product, MVP, after each cycle, ensures that weaknesses are identified early in the process. This way, the solution can be adjusted as needed to market demands and customer feedback.

An adaptive and iterative approach combined with integrated learning cycles

Periodic verification of the target state lowers project risks and the cost of failure.
Experience and feedback from past cycles improve the current process. This allows a step by step improvement of the organization as well as the product for more business value. As an additional benefit, this keeps employees motivated and focused on further improvements.

Business value driven, Prioritization based on customer value

Agile organizations practice a focused allocation of resources to produce value for customers and for themselves. A periodic review ensures that customer satisfaction and and value generation is growing at a constant rate. Adjustments can be made as soon as needed.